Thursday, August 10, 2006

Who's out of touch?

Here's an important thing to remember while the Republicans and their deputized pundits blast the Democrats for rejecting Lieberman's "mainstream" views in favor of the "far left" candidate, Lamont: 60 % of the American public opposes Bush's war. 57% favor establishing a timetable for withdrawl. In politics, that's almost as decisive as it gets. A clear majority of Americans feel the war was a mistake, and that it's time to go.

So every time you hear Connecticut Democrats accused of picking the extreme partisan over the centrist statesman, take pause.

Who's really speaking for the mainstream here? And who's out of touch?


arb® said...

love love love that pic of bush going in for the soft kiss on joe.

MK said...

But, but, Bill O'Reilly said that a win for Ned is a win for the terrorists. I'm so confused!

arb® said...

kuz's comment reminded me of an interview and a joke. the joke first.

daily show. stewart and rob. hary potter book coming out. rob says that if kids learn to read, then the terrorits win. stewart, looking bewildered, says basically wtf. rob says, when children are given the gift of reading, everyone wins.

interview. the fact that two folks may share a common interest, let's say eating a good meal for example, does not indicate support of each other. for example, let's say my dad loves his children and osama loves his children. this shared interest is irrelevant to political views. that democrats want the united states out of iraq just as osama does, doesn't mean democrats and osama are "together."

but it's amazing how many folks will believe it does...sad.