Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Slimy Road Ahead

The bad news for the Democratic Party (and for America) this morning is not which candidate had a good night, but rather the manner in which the victory was achieved. Hillary Clinton managed to pick up the few vital percentage points she needed in Texas and Ohio by pushing the race in a more negative direction than it had previously gone--subtly playing on racial and religious predjudices, and not-so-subtly fear-mongering in a way that would make Dick Cheney proud.

Clinton knows that negative innuendo and attack advertisments represent her only chance at securing the nomination. If voters walk into polling stations proud, hopeful, and optimistic, she loses. If they arrive cynical, fearful, and confused, she does well--but at what cost?

The decision Clinton faces is whether winning is worth poisoning the process and silencing the better angels of our nature. She has obviously made her decision. Get ready for two very ugly months.

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